Go Kits
METERS Presentations
METERS Presentations
METERS Common Gear Bag, part 1 (from Keith, KC4YYF)
Adventure Medical (first aid kits)
Vermont's Barre (first aid bags)
METERS Provision Gear (from Keith, KC4YYF)
METERS Individual Gear (from Keith, KC4YYF)
Coax Cable Bag (from Keith, KC4YYF)
METERS Antenna Gear (from Keith, KC4YYF)
METERS Power (from Keith, KC4YYF)
Emergency Power & Inventory Management (from Shane, KC4DSC with some images from KE7HLR)
Presentations from other agencies/groups
Presentations from other agencies/groups
ARES Mission Preparedness for Rapid Deployments
from Cherokee County (Georgia) ARES
Personal Go-Kit for EMCOMM
(all courtesy of KE7HLR via www.ke7hlr.com/ecw/index.html)
2008 version - (powerpoint) (PDF handout)
2011 version - (powerpoint) (PDF handout)