Fall is here, hamfests are winding down, (except for Chattanooga, which is Oct 14 & 15! Info is Here. ) We still have some ways to help the communications community!
Need RADOs for Pigeon Forge Half Marathon and 5K!
From : Cletus Grissom KN4EIG:
Please see below- we have been asked to help cover the half marathon we did last year. I would like to add in GMRS operators as well but will need a NCS for both frequencies. If this is something you can help with or know of others that might would like to help please fill out the form here so that i can get a record of those together and will send out updates as it comes in. This being a 1/2 marathon we do need a good handful to help those that helped last year knows the course layout was interesting to say the least. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also let me know if we can do NCS for both GMRS and HAM.
Cletus Grissom
Wears Valley TN
Good Afternoon Cletus,
We are in full swing of planning our annual Pigeon Forge Half Marathon and 5k. You all were wonderful to have there last year and we were wondering if your METERS groups would consider helping us out again this year? The race date is Dec 10 and start time is 7:30. The course will be a tad different from last year. If you are on board, I will send you a map as soon as we have one finalized. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Stephanie Bailey
Events Manager
Knoxville Track Club
Digital Training is going great guns on Wednesday nights at 9PM, soon we will be starting Winlink training!
It is a digital training net, led by Barry Brown, K4BLB, and will start with FLDigi, then transitioning over several weeks to Winlink. FLDigi is fairly easy to learn, and will give much better capabilities for communication in the event normal analog cannot be done. For more information, please contact Barry at
And, as a reminder, there are a couple local nets on which you can practice your FLDIGI skills. JCARES (Jefferson County ARES) Digital Net meets Monday evenings, 6:00pm, on 145.370 repeater T 100. METERS / ARES 2m Digital Net on Wednesday nights, 9:00pm, on 147.075 T 118.8. Even if you don't check in, you can check your FLDIGI setup and decode some traffic!
This is going to be another good one!
Be prepared ...
Barry, K4BLB
ARRL ARES Task Book - Feb 26, 2020 12:53:32 AM